Comics and the digital world.
When it comes to comics it would seem that I have nearly gone 100% digital in every way possible. In both the consumption of comics and the creation of comics.
With the huge rise in popularity of tablets and smart phones comics now have never been as easy to purchase and read as they are today. In fact now that all the major publishers are pushing for day-and-date digital comics I have dropped most of my comics that I pick up from local comic book store and and now get them digitally. Which ends up being much cheaper for me since I live in Australia and comics are here priced a bit higher than the American cover price. But digital comics haven't won me over on price, they have won me over on convenience. I am starting to get to the point where I have nowhere to put all my comics. Now that I have my entire digital library on any tablet device or PC in the world I couldn't be happier.
As you can probably tell I am super excited about the digital future of comics. Especially with what Graphicly is now doing for creators with their digital distribution platform, it would only seem that the world of comics is about to explode with awesomeness. We are now going to see more great independent books come out that just couldn't before because of logistics, and we are going to see the art in comics taken to new heights as other artist also start experimenting with what can be done on a computer now days.
Since I have been going on about digital one of the other cool things I can do is show you the process on how I work digitally. Check out the video below!
Thanks for taking the time to have a read and watch, until next time stay safe!